Your Information

Cross Organisational Access to Clinical Systems

Your practice collaborated with other practices within our Primary Care Network during the COVID19 Pandemic. This means that staff from one practice may access to records from another practice in order to provide support during these difficult times.

All staff continue to be bound by confidentiality and have had training in keeping your information secure.

If you have any concerns about your information being accessed by staff from the following practices, please contact us at Lakenheath Surgery on 01842 860400.

Forest Heath PCN: Brandon Medical Practice, Forest Group Practice (Brandon), Market Cross Surgery (Mildenhall), Reynard Surgery (Red Lodge), Rookery Medical Practice (Newmarket), Orchard House Surgery (Newmarket) and Oakfield Surgery (Newmarket).


More About Our Information Sharing Projects

Information Governance Policy

For more information, including the Privacy Notice, please visit the My Care Record website.